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About my journey:


After entering the dating world, I found myself a little lost. It had been 31 years since
I had dated & a lot had changed. Yikes.  
One night I was sitting in my living room on my computer, an ad popped up for a course about helping women better understand themselves. What did I have to lose?  I signed up!
It was exactly what I was looking for. I learned all kinds of things about myself & as a result of that, I began to see myself so differently.  What I was learning and implementing in my life was changing all of my relationships, my children, my family, my friends, my daycare families, even strangers I would meet. This was so empowering. 
I realized not only was I happier & more confident, but this opened a passion in me. I had a new career to explore.  I began a year-long mastery program with my mentor Alison Armstrong in two tracks, Empowering Men & Empowering Women where I researched with hundreds of men & women, journaled my findings, taught hundreds of people of all ages & became certified & licensed as a relationship coach. I then took all the experience, knowledge & education over the past 28 years of being the owner and operator of my daycare/ preschool & became licensed and certified as a parent coach.
It makes me so happy to be able to use my passion, humor, personal experience and knowledge to help create partnerships that embrace our differences as opportunities rather than threats, resulting in a win-win for everyone.

About Me: About Me
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